Nothing for Now in West Haven

85 Chase Lane, West Haven, CT 06516

West Haven Italian-American
A Beautiful Banquet Hall with a Large Dance Floor
Sorry... We were not able to schedule any events at Cielo. We hope to return soon.
Get Directions to Cielo
85 Chase Lane, West Haven, CT 06516
Heading North on I-95:Take Exit 42; turn right onto Saw Mill Rd. (CT-162). Go 7/10 mile; turn right onto Main St.; Go nearly a mile; turn onto Chase Ln. Cielo will be on your right.
Heading South on I-95:Take Exit 42; turn left onto Saw Mill Rd. (CT-162). Go ¼ mile; turn left onto Allings Crossing Rd; Go ½ mile; turn right onto Shingle Hill Rd.; take 1st left onto Chase Ln. Cielo is on the left.