Nothing for Now in Oakville

550 Sylvan Lake Rd., OAKVILLE , CT 06779 (on the Watertown Line)
The Ultimate in Elegance!
Huge Ballroom • Enormous Dance Floor
Sorry... We were not able to schedule any events at Grand Oak Villa. We hope to return soon.
Get Directions to Grand Oak Villa
550 Sylvan Lake Rd., Oakville/Watertown Line, CT 06779
From I-84 E or W:Exit 20. Rte. 8 N to Exit 37. Left off exit onto Rte. 262 W. 2nd left onto Frost Bridge Rd. ¼ mile to end - left onto Sylvan Lake Rd. ¼ mi. on right.
From New Haven:I-91 N to Exit 17. Rte. 691 W to Exit 1 (I-84 W), then follow directions above.
From Bridgeport & Points South:Rte. 8 N to Exit 37. Left off exit onto Rte. 262 W. 2nd left onto Frost Bridge Rd. ¼ mile to end - left onto Sylvan Lake Rd. ¼ mile on right.
From Torrington & Points North:Rte. 8 S to Exit 37. Left off exit, then immediate right after underpass onto Rte. 262 W. 2nd left onto Frost Bridge Rd. ¼ mile to end - left onto Sylvan Lake Rd. ¼ mi. on right.