Nothing for Now in Waterbury

380 Farmwood Rd. WATERBURY, CT,06704
A Magnificent Facility with an Enormous Ballroom and Dance Floor
Sorry... We were not able to schedule any events at La Bella Vista at the Ponte Club. We hope to return soon.
Get Directions to La Bella Vista at the Ponte Club
380 Farmwood Rd., Waterbury, CT 06704
From I-84 E or W:Exit 20. Rte. 8 N to Exit 36. Right off exit onto Huntington Ave. Follow 1.6 miles to 9th light (Finishing Touch on left) - sharp left at that light onto Farmwood Rd. La Bella Vista is ½ mile on right. Entrance is in rear of building.
From New Haven:I-91 N to Exit 17. Rte. 691 W to Exit 1 (I-84 W), then follow directions above.
From Bridgeport & Points South:Rte. 8 N to Exit 36. Right off exit onto Huntington Ave. 1.6 miles to 9th light (Finishing Touch on left) - sharp left at that light onto Farmwood Rd. La Bella Vista is ½ mile on right. Entrance is in rear of building.
From Torrington & Points North:Rte. 8 S to Exit 36. Left off exit onto Colonial Ave, then first left onto Huntington Ave. 1.6 miles to 9th light (Finishing Touch on left) - sharp left at that light onto Farmwood Rd. La Bella Vista is ½ mile on right. Entrance is in rear of building.